Friday, November 14, 2008

Weird Times to Be Had By All

I'm not listening to the weather forecast. Ever again.

I just bought 3 scrumptous, long cable knit sweaters. One in Navy Blue, one in oatmeal, and the other in gray/black. Yay!

Nooo...the weatherman told me that it was supposed to be cold & snowy today.

Thanks...but it's like 60 degrees and humid as hell. Ick. I'm sweating :)

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Words alone cannot express how absolutely exhilirated I am feeling today.

Actually...a bit hungover.

After eight years of dictatorship in this great nation of ours, a change has finally come...or we'll get to it.

Never in my wildest dreams did I think that in my lifetime I would see an African American as president. I'm so delirious.

And I spent the night cavorting with someone who is incredibly well-versed in this subject (and not bad on the eyes, either).

Life is good :)

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Yet Again...

Ok, so there is nothing that burns my ass more than to be ignored.

I have a dear friend who is going through some troubling times...tells me on Thursday "I'll tell you all about it today...I promise".

Nothing. It's now Sunday. I think I should be done. Should I?

I'm a mess over it. I wish I knew the answers.

I wish I could just be THAT person, and say "Fuck 'em".

But they're in a bad place right now, so I think it's best for me to just sit back. But I'm sooo not a passive person.


Caring sucks when it's not reciporated.